Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The BUZZ is working!

This past Sunday was one the best experiences FLC has ever had! There were a lot of new faces with 115 people in attendance. 2 people surrendered their lives to Jesus and we baptized 7 people in water. Our band did an amazing job with worship and leading us into God's presence. Every Dream Team member worked extremely hard to make FLC an irresistible environment for people to experience God. We also had a ton of fun during the message as I made a real fruit smoothie to help illustrate the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The BUZZ is working! People are talking about what happens at FLC. We actually have a group of people talking about coming just to see what goes on in "that middle school." Its exciting to see the vision come alive and literally transform lives for eternity.

Keep talking to your family, friends, co-workers, and strangers about FLC. Invite them to "come and see." Watch what God does with your simple step of sharing your excitement about YOUR church. Eternity will be different because of you and the BUZZ you generate.

BUZZing with you!

Pastor Dan

Thursday, July 15, 2010

FLC Getting Some BUZZ!

One of the greatest, well, maybe THE greatest, ways to get the word out and market the church is through word of mouth. How do we get people talking about Family Life Church? How do we create a buzz about FLC so people get curious and come on Sunday? Or, how do we get people so interested in the church that they begin seeking us out to learn more?

Well, I think one of the ways is to have an awesome service EVERY week. We do work very hard to make sure people's experience on Sunday is inspiring and life-changing. But another way is to have the newspaper voluntarily write a feature on the church and put it on the front page!!!

All I can say is, WOW! Check out these LINKS LINKS to read the story and see the pictures. I'm praying this BUZZ will get the attention of people that need Jesus. I'm praying new people start asking their friends if they know anything about FLC. I'm praying FLC members start sharing this story as a tool to invite their friends.

WHY? Because I know if those people will simply step through our doors, they will come face to face with a loving, accepting, forgiving, and saving creator God! Lets keep the BUZZ buzzing and bring people to Jesus!