Yesterday we launched our latest series called the Marriage Ref. I had a blast as I preached in a referee uniform on artificial turf and with a goal post in the background. I "made the call" on a couple marital disputes that were sent in before I shared my message, "5 Yard Penalties" that we need to avoid in our relationships. After the service we enjoyed a FREE tailgate party with burgers and hotdogs.
The entire day was so much fun, but the highlight for me was hearing the stories from couples whose marriages have been struggling and they now have hope and help from FLC. One first time family said that the postcard they received came at just the right time! They literally used the word "miracle" to describe how God had helped them find the church. I was grinning from ear to ear as they told me how they feel like their marriage is now going to "make it".
I am motivated even more to pray for families and to work hard at bringing friends to FLC. God is truly at work in our midst as we reach more people every week!