Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sacrificial Love

SOAP from Ephesians 5:2 NLT

S = "Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God."

O = We are to follow Christ's example of love. We are to show mercy to people who have wronged us. We are to be patient with those who bother us. We are to be quick to forgive. We are to believe the best. We are to give of ourselves to meet the needs of others even if at means we may do without. Love is what the Gospel is all about. That kind of love rises before the face of God and is like a pleasing aroma to Him.

A = I want to smell good to God! Its better than the alternative;-). I will work more diligently to walk a life of love to those close to me and to those I don't even know. I want to be like Jesus. He loved me so much that He became a man, became my sin, and died on the cross for me. I will allow the Spirit of Christ to lead me thru the life of love.

P = Father, You give me strength and life to live by love. I want my life to be pleasing to you. I want my sacrifice of love to be like a sweet aroma before You. I ask that You would help me live with sacrificial love. May this life-style lead people to Jesu

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Put on Jesus!

S(scripture) + O(observation) + A(application) + P(prayer)

S = "Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don't let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires." Romans 13:14 NLT

O = "Instead", at the beginning of this verse is referring to the previous verse where Paul is telling us what not to do. The opposite of living in darkness and sin is to actually be a carrier of the presence of Jesus. Thats how we defeat sin in our lives. No matter where we go or who we're with we are to always be clothed with Jesus. We can guard ourselves from thinking sinful and damaging thoughts by always being consciously aware of who Jesus is and that He lives in us!

A = I must meditate on the truth that the power and presence of Jesus is in me. I must be "God inside minded". My only hope to live a victorious life resides in the power of Christ in me...the hope of glory.

P = Father, I love Your presence more than life. You are the air I breath. Thank you for loving me and empowering me to live holy. I ask for Your strength and wisdom to walk free from the trappings of this world in a way that opens the door for me to share Your life with this world.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

We are currently in a teaching series at Family Life called "Who Do You Think You Are?". The main idea is that our Beliefs lead to our Decisions which in turn lead to Outcomes. If we're currently not experiencing Biblical outcomes in life, we most likely have been believing something false.

I want to share my SOAP for today from Romans 12:2 NLT. It speaks to this truth.

S = "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. THEN you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

O = The way to change the way you live is by changing the way you think. Our life-style must be different from the world's (those who do not know or live for God). We must live according to God's way described in His Word. God can only bring about a supernatural transformation in us when we plant the seed of His Word in our thinking. God doesn't change the way we think; we do. His Word is powerful and living. His Word has the ability to change us, heal us, give us wisdom and understanding, restore us, and cleanse us. However, we must apply His Word to our lives. We must believe what the Bible says about God, life, and ourselves. And then, our new thinking produces new decisions that produce new fruit.

A = I must spend more time meditating and thinking on God's Word. I must take time each day praying His Word over my life. I must be more diligent to memorize scripture for specific areas of need in my life. I must put a greater emphasis on the power of the Word of God to bring about change in my life.

P = Father, thank You for Your Word. Thank You for giving me clear direction from Your Word. Your Word is life, strength, and help to me. I ask that as I spend time in Your Word that it would truly come alive and transform me according to Your will.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Take the "High Road"

Yesterday at Family Life Church we talked about how to get "From Here to There" in our relationships. We learned 4 questions we need to ask ourselves if we continually find our relationships running on empty.

Taking the HIGH ROAD is a major secret to great relationships! My personal SOAP revealed this to me even more this morning. Take a look at what I discovered through God's Word.

S = "I will gladly spend myself and all I have for you, even though it seems that the more I love you, the less you love me." 1 Corinthians 12:15

O = Paul had made a decision to serve and love others even in the midst of his love not being reciprocated.

A = I must learn to take the "high road". I must press into the pain when it comes to people who seem to be "unloveable". The love of God needs to constrain me even when others reject me. Don't let the carnal nature determine who is served and loved.

P = Father, you loved me when I was unloveable. You cared when I was uncaring. You forgave when I was unforgivable. Thank you for loving and serving me. Your grace drew me into your very presence. I pray for that same spirit to permeate my very being and to empower me to love others.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Awakening Fast - Day 8

"You cannot earn God's pleasure, but you can experience it to a greater degree as you follow Jesus Christ."

Today is day 8 of our 21 day fast. Be encouraged as you enter the second week of this important season to pursue Jesus more than ever before. Click HERE for the full devotional. Scroll down to day 8 and spend time with the One who has rescued your life!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 1 of the Fast!

Today is where the rubber meets the road. You very well may have stepped out into uncertain waters. You may be asking yourself if you're going to make it through the next 3 weeks? I personally know the first few days seem to be the hardest. Your flesh will be screaming. You may experience a few headaches, strong hunger pains, and maybe a little dizziness, especially if you have drastically changed your diet. Our carnal human nature is extremely selfish and is always contrary to what God wants.

Don't be discouraged! Press into the pain as we say. And let me encourage you. Hebrews 11:6 says, "Without faith it is impossible to please Him (God). For he who comes to God must believe that He IS, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

Fasting is an act of faith and a way to diligently seek God. You WILL be found by Him!

See this link for a Fasting Guide that will help you gain greater insight into all kinds of fasts. Also, I encourage you to visit for daily devotionals to go along with your SOAP.

I'm believing for supernatural breakthroughs and deliverance for you. Watch what God is going to do for you as you seek him diligently!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Get Ready for 21 Days of Spiritual Awakening!

Family Life Church is about to enter into a season of prayer and fasting from January 10th through the 30th. The following is a blog that includes my SOAP for today and a description of what this fast is all about. Return to this blog throughout our 21 days for insights, encouragement, and inspiration.

S = "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance." Isaiah 55:2

O = God is calling us to eat from His word and to drink from His presence. He has food and drink that we know not of. Our greatest hunger and thirst must be for the things of God. He is our source!

(This is what a FAST is all about. Denying ourselves natural food and drink; not to impress God, but to move ourselves closer to Him to hear His voice. Beginning this Monday, January 10th, FLC will be venturing into a 21 Day Awakening Fast to lay a solid God foundation for 2011. A New Testament fast is all about removing distractions that keep us from spending time with God. It is typically food and drink that we remove, but it can be anything really. Kids can fast video games and junk food. We all can fast TV, movies, texting, Facebook or other social media that steals our time. Fast whatever keeps you from reading your Bible and praying. This is a 21 Day season of intense pursuit of God. We will gain wisdom to know what to do. We will gain strength to walk out the wisdom God gives us. We will position ourselves to walk in God's divine will. Faith will grow in our hearts to receive more from God.

The fast begins this Monday and will be lifted each Saturday at sundown through Sunday at sundown during the 3 weeks. This way you will be able to truly celebrate Christ, His church, and your family on Sundays during the fast season. You can maintain the fast or take a break on Sundays, whatever you feel God is leading you to do.

The bottom line is that God is waiting to be with us. Let's start this year off with a powerful move of God in our midst that will propell us forward personally and as a church.)

A = I will be fasting different types of food, coffee, and much TV over the next 21 days to pursue God, His Word, and His presence. I will fill the time with prayer, reading my Bible, and other reading. I will grow closer to God!

P = Father, I pray that you will be honored with the fast I am about to enter into. I so desire to grow closer to you. I confess Isaiah 11:2-3 over my life, my family's life, and Family Life Church.

Confess this over your life and the church...Isaiah 11:2-3 KJV
2 "And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon US, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord."
3 "And shall make US of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and WE shall not judge after the sight of OUR eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of OUR ears."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

God Can't Stop Thinking About You

SOAP is how we at FLC intentionally involve God in our lives. Its how we grow spiritually. Its how we daily read our Bibles and pray. Here is my SOAP for the second day of 2011.

S = "See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands. Always in my mind is a picture of Jerusalem’s walls in ruins." Isaiah 49:16

O = God takes our well being personally. He keeps our names, faces, and lives ever before His own face. He continually thinks about us and He is very aware of our struggles and burdens. He loves us with an everlasting love and will rescue us from our plight.

A = I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. I will worship Jesus for He is my deliverer. I can put all my trust in Him for He will never let me go. I must take comfort and rest in knowing how much my God cares for me; how personal I am to Him.

P = Father, thank You for loving me so much. Your heart toward me is overwhelming. Thank You for never ceasing to think of me and for being concerned with my life. I ask that you lead me through each day helping me to remain focused on You and your love.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

SOAP for the New Year

S = Isaiah 48:18 "Oh, that you had listened to my commands! Then you would have had peace flowing like a gentle river and righteousness rolling over you like waves in the sea."

O = Obedience brings peace and righteousness into our lives. God wanted Israel to know that the reason they weren't experiencing peace and righteousness was because they weren't walking in obedience.

A = I will obey God at all costs. Today is the first day of the year with all kinds of potential and promise. It's a new day. A fresh start. A plain canvas. I will walk in all the fullness of God this year. I will obey God and live in His presence in 2011.

P = Heavenly Father, I love you with every fabric of my being. You are my peace and strength. It is my desire that 2011 be full of Your presence and fulfilled promises in my life. I surrender all that I am and all my hopes and dreams to you new and fresh today. I trust You with my life! I ask for Your strength and grace to walk in obedience to all Your will.