Thursday, November 8, 2012

Relief & Healing in Sandy's #Aftermath

The great state of New Jersey has experienced unprecedented impact during the past two weeks.  She has been devastated by hurricane Sandy, but she has also been overtaken by the love, healing and hope of the Gospel.

The church has stood tall and wrapped its arms around the victims.  Family Life Church's building has been open for almost 2 weeks as a warming center for the thousands still without power/heat in our community.  People can come for a hot cup of coffee, water, snacks, phone charging and use of our free wifi.  We are also partnering with several churches in our community to feed over 200 people daily.  

Gas lines have been long and stressful, so we have walked those lines with a smile and a free cup of coffee.  Many waited between 3 to 4 hours to get gas.  

Family Life Church has also partnered with Samaritan's Purse which has feet on the ground in 4 major areas affected by the hurricane on New Jersey's coast.  Together, we are cleaning out homes that were under water.  It would take families months on their own.  Samaritan's Purse is getting it done in a day!  Truly amazing.

Family Life Church will continue to direct our people and resources to help the victims of Sandy.  If you'd like to help us you can give now on our safe and secure site, here:  Online Giving Please write: "Sandy" in the fax line for designation purposes.  Please email us at If you'd like to volunteer to help clean up homes.

Our strong prayer of faith has been Acts 4:29-30. "Now, Lord,...grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”