Monday, December 30, 2013

21 Day Challenge

Yesterday, I unveiled how we're going to kick off 2014 at Life Church with a 21 Day Challenge. I'm so excited to see what God will do in the lives of individuals and the church as we put Him first.

1 Thesalonians 5:23 says, "Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again."

You make something holy by worshipping God with it. Your body, money, marriage, carrier; whatever it is becomes holy when God is given control and you worship Him. So, beginning Sunday, January 5th, through January 25th, we will kick off the year focusing on the Spirit with scripture reading, the Soul with prayer and fasting, and the Body with exercise.

Here's the 21 Day Challenge...

January 5-11 we will SOAP daily (Bible reading and journaling)

January 12-18 we will add Prayer and Fasting (while we continue to SOAP)

January 19-25 we will add daily exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes (continuing to SOAP and Fast)

* We'll be doing all 3 things that final week!

Let's join together and seek God as we kick off the New Year. I have a holy anticipation that this New Year is going to be a year where destinies are altered and aligned toward God. I believe God is going to do great things in your life in 2014!

Will you take the challenge?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Be Rich!

t’s Christmas! And since this is a season of giving, we as a church

want to go above and beyond in our generosity to those in need.

The Apostle Paul taught Timothy to...

“Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.” (1 Timothy 6:18 NLT)

We are to use whatever we have, whether a lot or a little, to do good and give more. On Sunday, December 15th, we will be practicing to BE RICH as a church.

LCJ uses a minimum of 10% of its income every year for outreach and regular donations to our ministry partners. Jesus told us in Acts 1:8 that we are to share His good news locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. We have budgeted $35,000 to share Jesus with our world throughout 2014. BUT, imagine the impact we could make as a church if we gave our partners a massive jumpstart to their year.

That thought is the heart of our BE RICH Campaign, which is to raise all $35,000 (what we’ve budgeted to give away in 2014) on one day! We’re giddy just thinking about this!!! If you are like us, and we think you probably love to give too, then prayerfully plan how you will join with us to BE RICH.

We can easily reach our goal on Sunday, December 15th if we all give a little extra.

If you haven't begun giving yet, start on December 15.

If you haven't begun tithing (giving 10%) start on December 15.

If you already give regularly, give a little extra.

Here's one way that might help you determine what to give.

If you regularly give...

$20 a week.....give an extra $104 on Dec. 15th

$50 a week.....give an extra $260

$100 a week...give an extra $520

$250 a week...give an extra $1300

$500 a week...give an extra $2600

If you regularly give...

$500 a month.....give an extra $600 on Dec. 15th

$750 a month.....give an extra $900

$1000 a month...give an extra $1200

$1500 a month...give an extra $1800

$2000 a month...give an extra $2400

Life Church Jersey's Strategic Outreach Partners

“And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem (local), throughout Judea (regional), in Samaria (national), and to the ends of the earth (global).” (Acts 1:8 NLT)


Jesus Loves Jersey

Church Planting in NJ/Northeast

Next Level Coaching Area Pastors

Live Streaming of LCJ Experiences


ARC - Church Planting (20% of our missions budget)

Samaritan's Purse - Disaster relief

Finishline - Youth ministry leadership coaching & Jesus Adventure Camp

RMAI - Ministry training for pastors and missionaries


MAOZ - Missions in Israel (10% of our missions budget) We give here first.

Dominican Republic - Missionaries Mark and Stephanie Pyles

Compassion - rescuing & adopting children

A21 Campaign - preventing and rescuing woman caught in sex trafficking

Convoy of Hope - Disaster relief