Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 12: Prayer & Fasting

Read and SOAP 1 Samuel chapter 17

Saul was a seasoned warrior. Who would know better than Saul which weapons would be necessary to defeat Goliath? However, God wanted to deliver His people in a way that would leave no doubt that He had done the work. By using a shepherd boy with a small stone and a sling, no man could take credit for the victory. It was clearly God who delivered His people from Goliath and the Philistines.

When we rely on our own strength, we will experience limitations. But when we trust in God's strength, He gets the victory and the glory, and we get to be a part of His plan.

“Father, putting my name on Your plan is like Saul putting his armor on David. Please don’t let me ever try to cover what You are doing. Let me be transparent, so that You always get the glory You deserve. In the name of Jesus, Amen.”

(Blog reposted with permission from

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