Revelation chapter 10 continues the progression building toward the massive outpouring of sin's judgment on the earth. God is still working to turn the hearts of mankind to Himself to be rescued. He loves people. His Word spoken to His servants has always been for the purpose of revealing who He is and to draw people to Himself.
Here's what was in my heart today as I SOAPed.
S = "When the seventh angel blows his trumpet, God’s mysterious plan will be fulfilled. It will happen just as he announced it to his servants the prophets.” (Revelation 10:7 NLT)
O = God will make sure His plan comes to pass. His secrets were never meant to remain secret. He is not like man that He can lie or withhold His promises. He loves His servants. As a result of that love, He shares His secrets with them. He promises that all He has said will happen.
A = I will maintain my trust in My God. I will rest assured that nothing from His Word will ever fail in my life. He is my Rock, defense, shepherd and King! I will wait on His Word. I am safe in His arms.
P = Father of all creation. Thank you for loving me. I love Your faithfulness! Thank You that Your Word never fails. I ask for strength and patience to wait on Your Word to come to pass and to not move forward ahead of You and Your plan for my life.
A = I will maintain my trust in My God. I will rest assured that nothing from His Word will ever fail in my life. He is my Rock, defense, shepherd and King! I will wait on His Word. I am safe in His arms.
P = Father of all creation. Thank you for loving me. I love Your faithfulness! Thank You that Your Word never fails. I ask for strength and patience to wait on Your Word to come to pass and to not move forward ahead of You and Your plan for my life.