Tuesday, December 23, 2014

vision leaks - part 5 (patience)

If you want to experience growth and success in life, you have to keep moving forward with a great attitude and heart even when you don't see the results you desire or expect.  This is the essence of patience.  And patience is fundamental to spiritual maturity and leadership.

The apostle Peter motivated his followers by pointing them to God's promises and then reminding them to be patient.  (2 Peter 3:8) says, "A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day."

A Couple Thoughts...
1. Don't be a time keeper!
Those who watch the clock with an expectation of when they should get what they think they should get will deteriorate their patience which is their only ability to ultimately receive from God.

2. Don't be a score keeper!
Those who try to keep score by comparing what others have and how long it took them to get what they have will deteriorate their patience which is their only ability to ultimately receive from God.

What are your thoughts?
?Are you a time keeper?
?Are you a score keeper?

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