Monday, September 9, 2013


We announced to the church last Sunday that our name will be Life Church starting Sunday, September 22nd. I have to tell you that I am extremely excited about this new season for the church! This is a pretty BIG DEAL and I wanted to share the one main reason for the change.

#1 - Make it as easy as possible for all people to find Jesus and follow Him fully!

The church should be the most inviting and attractional place around. The church (a movement of people, not a building) should be a microcosm of it's surrounding community. We want unchurched and de-churched people (used to go to church but don't go anymore) to love our church and attend regularly. So, we started asking ourselves if there was anything that would be a hinderance for someone to step through our doors. We listed the characteristics of the people we feel compelled to love and want our name to be inviting to every person no matter their season of life.
That's when we realized we needed to simplify our name to broaden our reach.