Thursday, February 27, 2014


#TMNight #TeamNight #Leadership #DreamTeam

Life Church Jersey has always focused on doing a few things really well.  So, when we do "do something" it is really important to us.  Team Night is one of those REALLY important things.

And here's why: 
1. Our Dream Team is the life-blood of the church & Team Night is all about the DTeam.
2. All our focus is on pouring into our Point People and Dream Team members.
3. We have fun together.
4. We eat together.
5. We learn together.
6. I share vision and my most current thoughts at Team Night before I share them anywhere else.
7. Its the best way to be more connected to the core of LCJ.

TMNight is for those who lead or serve on a team at LCJ.  So, if you're on the Dream Team or lead a Connect Group, DO NOT MISS our "special edition" on Sunday, March 16th, at 5pm.  Its our 6 year birthday as a church and we're going to party!!!
(Childcare will be provided.)