Monday, December 15, 2014


Its working even when it doesn't seem like its working!  You can't quit simply because you're not seeing the results you want to see.

The Apostle Peter reminded his team how important it is to stay in faith.  In (2 Peter 3:5 NLT) he reveals the plight of the doubter.
v5 "They deliberately forget that God made the heavens long ago by the word of His command, and He brought the earth out from the water."

A Couple Thoughts...
1. Doubt is Deliberate!
You have to work really hard to NOT see God at work.  So, be deliberate to remind yourself that it IS working.  God is working even when it doesn't seem like He's working.

2. Faith looks at the Past!
Peter told his team to remember all that God had done before and that God is still in the miracle working business.  Don't forget!  Remember, if He did it before He can do it again.  Remembering the hand of God in your past can be fuel to see His hand in your present and future.

?Where have you been deliberately doubting?
?What situation do you need to be reminded of today where God came through in a big way?


  1. WOW. That's powerful. "You have to work really hard to NOT see God at work. So, be deliberate to remind yourself that it IS working. God is working even when it doesn't seem like He's working..."
