Monday, January 31, 2011

Take the "High Road"

Yesterday at Family Life Church we talked about how to get "From Here to There" in our relationships. We learned 4 questions we need to ask ourselves if we continually find our relationships running on empty.

Taking the HIGH ROAD is a major secret to great relationships! My personal SOAP revealed this to me even more this morning. Take a look at what I discovered through God's Word.

S = "I will gladly spend myself and all I have for you, even though it seems that the more I love you, the less you love me." 1 Corinthians 12:15

O = Paul had made a decision to serve and love others even in the midst of his love not being reciprocated.

A = I must learn to take the "high road". I must press into the pain when it comes to people who seem to be "unloveable". The love of God needs to constrain me even when others reject me. Don't let the carnal nature determine who is served and loved.

P = Father, you loved me when I was unloveable. You cared when I was uncaring. You forgave when I was unforgivable. Thank you for loving and serving me. Your grace drew me into your very presence. I pray for that same spirit to permeate my very being and to empower me to love others.

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