Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 1: Prayer & Fasting

Read and SOAP 1 Samuel chapter 10

Saul was clearly appointed by God as Israel’s first king. As a result of the Holy Spirit’s work in him, he became a different person. God was everything Saul needed for success, but as Saul’s power grew, so did his pride. He stopped seeking God’s will, and eventually jealousy and strife began to decay both him and the nation he had been entrusted to lead.

Our success depends solely on our devotion to God, not our position, wisdom, or strength. God honors obedience - we must consistently obey God. Rebellion against God is a very dangerous sin. As we choose to rebel, we close the door to forgiveness and restoration with God.

“Father God, I acknowledge that You are everything I need and I commit every area of my life to You during this season of prayer and fasting. I ask You to forgive me of any disobedience, arrogance and rebellion. I commit today to walk in obedience to Your Word. I surrender control to You, and ask for Your Spirit to fill me so that I might live a life that glorifies You. In Jesus Name, Amen.“

(This blog reposted with permission from

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